Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Important PPL at my school Day 2

Emo Dora: All she's ever wanted was 2 b popular; but NOT in the conventional way. She wants 2 know every1 and 4 every1 2 know her she wants 2 be notorious i guess. It's not working! Some1 needs 2 get it thru her head that her charade is NEVER going 2 work; every1 sees right thru it. No1 likes her and all the hi and mighty popular ppl mite not even know about her. She's ur all-american bitch that MUST exist in every school. She's also a pain in the ass that has no friends:( 4 her

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Important PPL in my School Day 1

This is a new list in which i will add 2 every day
  1. Slutty J- During a game of Truth or Dare she was asked how many boys she had kissed-this was the summer b4 7th grade- and she couldn't count/remember how many!!!!!! She also said she might have gone 2 3rd base...

Friday, August 21, 2009


What do guys really care about in a girl? Most likely it varies depending on the guy in question. However, i am convinced that there are a few principle things that they must all hold as a priority. Here are a few i came up with:
  1. Looks
  2. Intellect
  3. Sex (although hopefully not in a suburban middle school I am aware that some ppl in the "big-scary city" have sex in like 5th grade or watever; in fact i used 2 go2 skool in the city and apparently 1 of my former peers has already had 3 babies hu knows whats true but wateveer)
  4. Popularity
Seriously, thats all i can think about although im sure there's more; not being a guy gives me a disadvantage.


Song of the Day: Not a second to waste-A Rocket to the Moon
Quote of the Day: Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.-William Goldman, The Princess Bride
